Weddings, Wedding Blessings & Renewal of Vows
Other Questions you may have
Wedding Blessings & Renewal of Vows
If you are planning to have a Civil Wedding Ceremony elsewhere locally, or perhaps getting married abroad, but would like to explore having a ‘Wedding Blessing’ at St Oswald’s at a later time / date then this is something we are always happy to discuss and explore with you. Equally there are times in a couples’ married life when it feels right to ‘Renew Wedding Vows’ – this may be to mark a significant anniversary or perhaps at some other moment of significance in your relationship together. Again, this is something we are happy to talk to you about.

What will having a Ceremony at St Oswald’s Cost?
For a Wedding Service there are a number of legal fees which are set each year by the Church of England at national level and in addition to this there will be some local charges. Those set for this present year (2023), mean that a wedding which includes the national fees (for the reading of banns prior to your wedding, and the taking of your marriage service) and the local fees for a verger (who will set up the church prior to your wedding and oversee things generally on the day), and an organist will be £690.
There will be additional costs if you request the bell-ringers, if it is winter time and heating is required, and please note that any kind of recording / filming of the service also incurs further charges. All of this can be discussed and explained further, in-person.
Other ceremonies – the cost of having a Wedding Blessing or Renewal of Vows Service at St Oswald’s will be discussed case by case, as this is very dependent upon the elements requested / required for your occasion.

Can I get Married, or have my marriage blessed in Church, if I have been previously married and divorced?
Having been married previously, is not a bar to the Church recognising, celebrating, or blessing your present relationship and union.
However, neither is getting married a further time, after marriage vows have been broken, to be an automatic expectation. It is something we are required to talk through with you, so as to address together some of the matters which are important and in the case of preliminaries for a Wedding it will be necessary for legal documents to be shared (an original certified copy of the decree absolute). This does mean that there will need to be a period of discernment before any minister can agree as to whether it is appropriate to proceed.

If you want to know more, or discuss any of the possibilities above further, please get in touch. Either come along to one of our Sunday Services (for details click on the button below) or get in touch directly with Rev’d Carolyn, our Priest in Charge, ( – 01937 573975) who will be pleased to hear from you.