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Image by Eli Solitas

Funerals & Memorial Services

Funerals and Memorial Services are occasions which mark the end of a person’s life here on earth. They allow those who have lost loved ones to come together to express grief, as well as to give thanks for and celebrate the life which has been lived and shared.

Within the Christian Church, our Services also recognise that we are all children of God, shaped by and for his love, and we commend our loved ones into God’s eternal keeping.

If you are presently facing loss and bereavement, we extend our heart-felt sympathies and assure you that within the weekly worship of this Parish we regularly pray for those who have recently died and for those who grieve. If you would like us to do that for you, in a more personal way, please do get in touch.

If you are seeking a Funeral Service at St Oswald’s we are always most willing to discuss that with individuals and families and to work with you towards a Service which is right for you, and your loved one, whilst also ensuring that it reflects the hope and faith to which our Church points.

If you are resident in the Parish, or have other links with this Church, and think this is where you would want the Service you are hoping for to be held then please do ask your Funeral Director to be in touch with us. We are of course happy for you to contact us directly if you have any specific questions or concerns at this stage, but it will be your Funeral Director who will co-ordinate what is necessary in order for a booking to be made which works for you, for them and for us.

Once that relationship between us all has been made then our Priest-in-Charge (or another member of clergy) will be in touch with you directly to arrange a meeting. This meeting will allow us to begin to shape together the content of the Funeral Service, to hear from you as much as you would like to share about your loved one’s life, and to help ensure that the Service will bring together the elements which for you are important. It is also possible for you, as family members, or friends, to prepare things to be included in the Service so as to personalise the occasion.  Again, all of this will be discussed, and we will do our utmost to help in whatever way we can.

Individual Memorial Services can be ways, at other times, to mark a loved one’s life or may follow on after a simple Committal has taken place somewhere else.  Again, these options can be discussed in person if they feel right for you.  As a Church, we do also hold an Annual Memorial Service to which we will invite those with whom we have been involved during the year. At this Service candles will be lit, and prayers said for those we love but see no longer and for those who journey through grief. Others are always welcome to come along to this service.

What do Funeral and Memorial Services Cost?

The Fees for a Funeral Service in the Church (which include national fees set annually by the Church of England and any local charges for items required – i.e. our verger, an organist, heating etc) will be a cost which becomes a part of your Funeral Director’s final invoice - rather than you paying anything directly to the Church. A personal Memorial Service would be costed individually. Our annual and more public Memorial Service is simply one of our year-round programme of services to which all are welcome.

To discuss any of the above directly with the church please contact Rev’d Carolyn, our Priest in Charge, ( – 01937 573975) who will be pleased to hear from you.

Headstones & Gravemarkers

What headstones are allowed in a churchyard is laid down by the Chancellor of the Diocese. He delegates authority to the Vicar to permit stones which conform to certain rules. Anything else requires special permission from the Chancellor himself.

A monumental mason can advise you on this and make an application to the Vicar on your behalf for the design and wording you would prefer. In addition, there are res as to what may be placed on a grave which are to enable the churchyard to be maintained properly.

A copy of the Churchyard Policy is available in the Policies section of this site.

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