Supporting St.Oswald's
Our Church, like so many organisations and charities, has been affected by the pandemic and the changes to everyday life it has brought. Throughout, we have clung to our mission to keep open, to maintain worship, to mark with you the joys and sorrows of birth, life, and death, and to sustain a place of prayer within the village we all love.
We cannot do this without finance and we are currently relying on our financial reserves to make ends meet.
Please can you help us?
Donate Regularly via Parish Giving
Your donation helps us to give as an expression of thanksgiving, for those things within our community which we hold dear:
A church building & churchyard which celebrate our history and heritage
A place which is there for us, and our families, at times of joy and sorrow
A community of faith celebrating the Christian faith year round
A ministry of care, nurture and teaching offered to our villages & village schools
A God who is ever generous and who asks us to be generous too.
Thank you for your support and generosity.
Link to Parish Giving website: